TEDxYouth@RVA 2016

By Collegiate School (other events)

Saturday, November 19 2016 5:00 PM 9:00 PM EST

We invite you to take a break from your daily routine to go on an intellectual journey with smart and curious friends to a world filled with captivating performances, amazing new technologies, and thought-provoking talks. This year's theme, "What Now?" challenges us to look forward to the future we are creating for ourselves now, explore the things that will be, and question what should be.

TED is a global organization that uses its acronym, Technology, Entertainment, and Design, as a lense to share ideas in new and comprehensive ways. TEDx is a branch of the global organization where people like us create independently organized events. The TEDxYouth@RVA event will be held at the Collegiate School Oates Theater on November 19th, 2016 from 5-9pm. There will also be an interactive session offered in the Collegiate Sharp Academic Commons and dinner provided at no cost. The event is being curated by students at Collegiate School, James River High School, George Wythe High School, Maggie Walker Governor’s School, Hanover High School, Deep Run High School, Glen Allen High School, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School, and Trinity Episcopal School.

Speakers are not selected by adults, but instead are chosen by high school students to share with the local community, because we love the content. There’s nothing else like it.

It’s a place where new ideas are exchanged, all happening live in a community of peers in the same room as you. It’s exciting...there’s a palpable energy that cannot be experienced from watching a video. You have to be there. 

Join us in this exciting conversation about our shared future.


Collegiate School

Mailing Address

Attn. Fine Arts Office 103 N. Mooreland Rd. Richmond, VA 23229