By Collegiate School (other events)

Saturday, November 9 2024 5:00 PM 7:00 PM EDT

Generate Ideas. Generate Change. Generate Impact.

TEDxYouth@RVA 2024: "GENERATE"
At TEDxYouth@RVA, we bring powerful ideas—and performances—to the stage. TED Talks are short, impactful presentations where speakers and performers share stories and insights that can change the way we see the world. This year’s event, themed "GENERATE," will feature a diverse lineup of speakers from across Richmond, all invited by a team of dedicated high school students to generate new ways of thinking about our community and beyond.

TEDxYouth@RVA is more than just a series of talks—it’s a movement, organized entirely by local students who believe in the power of fresh, compelling ideas to spark conversations that lead to real change, right here in Richmond and across the globe.

Be part of the energy! Join us for this free event on November 9th at the Collegiate School’s Oates Theater. 

For the full list of speakers and more details, click here. We can't wait to see you there!

About TEDxYouth@RVA
TEDx events are independently organized and are part of the TED mission (Technology, Entertainment, Design) to share ideas in innovative and engaging ways. Our team of Richmond-area high school students is excited to present an evening that will leave you inspired, motivated, and ready to generate something great.


No drinks, food, or filming will be permitted inside the theater. Any student under 16 must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.  Collegiate is a smoke, vape, drugs and alchohol-free campus.

This TEDxYouth event is an officially licensed TEDx event. As such, this event is being recorded for offiical TED purposes. Audience members agree to be recorded as part of the talk's audience.

Collegiate School

Mailing Address

Attn. Fine Arts Office 103 N. Mooreland Rd. Richmond, VA 23229